Pregnancy Specialist
GYN-CARE Women's Healthcare Center
Women's Health Center located in Atlanta, GA
Pregnancy is a joyous time in your life, but it can definitely have its challenges. Fortunately, Eric Brown, MD and the experienced obstetrics and gynecology team at Gyn-Care in Atlantic Station, Atlanta can help you enjoy a healthy and safe pregnancy experience. From pre-pregnancy through delivery, your experienced OB/GYN is here for you. Book your appointment online or by phone now.
Pregnancy Q & A
How does the OB/GYN verify pregnancy?
Your OB/GYN at Gyn-Care will do a simple blood test to verify pregnancy. The blood test, like urine pregnancy tests, checks for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
Your body produces the hCG hormone after embryo attachment in the uterus, and the hormone is at very high levels in your early pregnancy. Blood tests are extremely reliable, and they can verify pregnancy as early as 6-8 days post-ovulation.
What does a pregnancy visit include?
During your prenatal exams, your OB/GYN monitors health and wellness of you and your baby.
During each exam, your OB/GYN checks your weight, belly measurements, and blood pressure.
You'll also have tests, including urine and blood tests, when needed. Your OB/GYN at Gyn-Care can customize your prenatal exams according to your needs.
When will I have prenatal exams?
Your prenatal exam schedule depends on your specific situation. For a healthy (not high-risk) pregnancy, the schedule will typically be:
- Weeks 4-28: once a month
- Weeks 28-36: twice a month
- Week 36-delivery: once a week
If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you'll likely see the OB/GYN more frequently from the beginning up until delivery.
When are my ultrasounds?
Most patients have at least one ultrasound during their pregnancy. Your OB/GYN will recommend an ultrasound schedule based on your situation. Most patients have an ultrasound in the first trimester to confirm heartbeat, measure gestational age, and check on overall development.
Some patients also have at least one ultrasound during the second trimester to check for fetal abnormalities, confirm the presence of multiples, or to check on the baby's growth.
The second trimester ultrasound is sometimes called the gender ultrasound because it may reveal your baby's sex. If needed, you may have additional second or third trimester ultrasounds.
Is my pregnancy high-risk?
There are many factors that can make a pregnancy high-risk.
- History of miscarriages
- Age over 35
- Health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure
- Obesity
Other factors can also make a pregnancy high-risk. If you're carrying twins or other multiples, it's automatically a high-risk pregnancy. Even if your pregnancy is high-risk, you can have a safe and healthy pregnancy with your OB/GYN's help.
Book your pregnancy appointment online or by phone now.